Thursday, November 18, 2010

Was able to watch harry potter gala premiere on tuesday in The Cathay thanks to my sister. The show was not bad, but some talking part was kind of draggy. If i am going korea, i will have to watch part 2 there next year. Good thing is that in Korea, the movie remains in english and with korean subtitles, I cant imagine harry or ron say "an nyong ha sae yo".

Went to CSI exibition with wen jen and xing wei. OMG, seriously the 20 bucks is so not worth it!!! Dont waste money and time there. The 2 of them was going to eat me up when we finish the exhibition, muhahahaha.

Last week 2 korean pros came to sg to play teaching game and I bought them to sentosa to HUAT. After the 3 days of entertaining them i think i should start studying korean language because if is not for ms cho, we will have a hard time communicating. During the last day, we went to a coffee shop near bishan clubhouse to chill and talk cock. For some reason during the talk, I ask what is chinese weiqi style and Mr Kim told us about the komi theory he has came up with and his theory was even publish in the korean weiqi magazine.

Komi as all weiqi player know is used to compensate the advantage black has in a weiqi game since black start first. Japan was the strongest weiqi country in the past even when the komi was 5.5 at that time. However when the Koreans started to change the komi to 6.5 in their internal competitions, Korea became the the top country for weiqi in the world. People like Lee Changho win international competition like no one business. The reason for this is because fuseki and joseki which were widely used and taught by japanese were no longer efficient when used against 6.5 komi so the Korean started playing new joseki and fuseki to ensure that black becomes more effective. Actually the change in komi by koreans practically destroy the fundermental of Japan' weiqi. If we look at the international competitions now, China who is using komi of 7.5 has more of its players in the finals in almost all international competition. This shows that komi plays a huge part in the development of weiqi.

I was really surprise by his theory because it is very true. So maybe singapore should start to use komi of 8.5, haha.

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