Tuesday, May 29, 2007
First day went to chinese garden to wait for my shuttle bus and i was so worry i remember the place wrongly cause i keep wondering if is chinese garden or lakeside. While waiting for the bus i keep chanting the bus number to make sure i wont miss bus. The whole trip took half an hour to reach and it jam like hell. Suddenly i realise i am the only attach student in this company and the rest are adult, great.....
The building is about 2 storey high, quite a old building like those even if you got murdered inside no one will know unless the murderer get guilty and confess. I follow them into the building and they went to a corner to change their shoe to sandle and is compulsory to do so. But wat really confuse me is tat i dunno y some lady bother to change cause there is like no difference before and after changing, maybe a change in color only.
Got a access pass and was directed to my table and started to do filing job. A lady then approach me to take lunch order cause they dun have canteen here so lunch is cater food. I have to decide wat to eat for the whole week and the best part is that lunch is free, haha. But now i abit worry cause i totally forget wat i order for wed to fri, later take other staff food then abit strange. Oh yar the food is like fried kuay teow, yong tou fu, mixed vege rice, curry rice, bee hoon and others..cant remember very well.
I am station at the company HQ as some assistant admin and my job is to do filing, arrange paper work and contact ppl in other country through msn. This company got other branch in indonesia, thailand, china, vietnam, malaysia, philipines and hong kong so i have to contact them through msn to get the required document. The challenge of this is to decyrpt wat the other country ppl are trying to say cause some of their english is not very good.
So on day 1 i still dunno wat time end and i work till around 6, suddenly my supervisor shout at me "wah, y r u still here?", the rest of the staff all look at me. Then she told me i work till 5.30 and my shuttle bus will reach around 5.45. She told me i can work OT but of course i say no lar...haha... So miss the shuttle bus on day 1 but on day 2 i got onto the shuttle bus and its last station is at west mall!!! omg.... cant believe it.
Looking at the way how ppl work in my company i am scared. They are totally hard working and damm entu about their work. They go late for lunch and everyday reach early go home late!!! YAR!! REACH EARLY GO HOME LATE!! Is crazy. like wat renick say, they are machine... totally opposite as wat we did in fyp...haha... Seeing all this it makes me hate to work in office job. Seating in the damm chair for long hours and staring into laptop forever....
NO LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
adult life is scary.....
Monday, May 21, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
This year got around 500 ppl taking part in this competition, think the most number of participants in singapore weiqi competition so far....
So during lunch time all the kids are suppose to leave the hall so that ppl can clear the hall abit. but the kids love weiqi so much......................
At least 3 sch helper have to 'guard' a door cause the kids cant wait to rush into the hall.. seriously is like a few hundred zombie out the hall cause they all are trying so hard to break through the helper's defence line. And when the door is finally open they rush in like aunty rushing in for the last day of singapore sale......
Renick show me one of his masterpiece and i think it should be frame up casue is too perfect... Is like a mirror image to that person...ahaaahahhahahaha
________pls dun kill me...RENICK FORCE ME TO DO THIS!!!!
Tml is presentation....dead!!!!! heard that all the supervisor will see each of us present and i have to wear formal...ahhhhh.....
Monday, May 14, 2007
When i tell my friends i gave a vibrating cushion to my mum they all gave me a strange look. I duuno y they can link the word vibrating to vibrator. Anyway this frog is cute...
Got this super duper big calculator for my mum too. She was quite happy cause the numbers are very big and with her long-sighted(eye flower)problems she dun have to frown everytime she calculate her business stuff.
Today is monday so went out with mum and sis to sakae for dinner..... After that went to pre order harry potter and FINALLY!!!!!!!.......
YAHOO!!!!! 200 pounds beauty soundtrack are out on sale!!! Grab them without hesitation even though they cost me $28.
I seriously think my sis should be a full time blogger. Her blog can really be funny and lame. Brought me lots of laughter....
Spend 1 hour plus in lab reading some story forwarded to me by a sec friend. The story is sad and touching but the bad thing is THERE IS NO ENDING!!! say must buy the ending online..DAMM!!!!
Tml is tue...good luck to my project.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
YES!!!! 200 pounds beauty soundtrack coming out next week. MUST BUY!!!
NO!!! Next week is week 11 for my project and i got 2 weeks left for completion. Actually if i fail i dun mind. yar, waste 3 more months but i can play 3 more months of weiqi and if i get into a better lab i might even score better. OMG, i am just so positive.
Tml is mother day so went to action city to get the super duper big calculator and a vibrating cushion for my mum....HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!! (there goes my 50 bucks)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Yesterday before going to weiqi i went to a nearby hawker in bishan to get my dinner. I was waiting for my dinner to be serve anda customer ordered 2 frogs. The boss then grab to frog from the tank and pass it to a LADY in the kitchen. Because the cooking area is quite open so we can see wats going on in it.
Wat happen next make me feel very uncomfortable.The lady(quite young) tookit without hesitation, drop one frog into the basin and grab the body of the other frog in her left hand...Then she spread her righthand wide open and slam in towards the frog face.Just like expressing the word f**k, some ppl point the middle finger while othersclench one of their fist then using the other hand, slam it towards the clenched fist, except that there is a frogin the fist now.
I am very shock at the way how the lady kill the frog.Somehow i think the first frog faint or something but when she did it to thesecond frog, it is still struggling...so the lady took a chopper and try to 'behead' the frog but i think the skin toothick so like din affect the frog. Then the lady took a sissor and cut through its mouth and began pulling out its skin.
It was like i just watch HOSTEL(animal version). Was feeling sick the whole day. I just find it too cruel, they should give the frogeat some pill or injection so that they could die peacefully.Imagine the frog is human....my god... I cant imagine howKFC kill their chickens.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Project sux as usual. Was trying so hard for the past few days to correct the sample program but today mr koh came to ask me how am i doing for my project. So tell me my problem then he say.."Oh, not this sample, is another one"... I was like...AHHHHHH i just wasted so many days and the new sample i got look like alien code to me. Shit.....
KOFU took over food junction and today was the first day. The smell inside kofu smell like dead fish, and the economic rice stall look so low class....like those secondary sch stall, especially with the white lighting. And the signboard outside kofu din blink today...maybe the staff complain saying it look like some prosititute club, hahahahaha.
My uncle strike 4D and won $570,000. That is really alot and my mum say he cant sleep. This is something i dun understand...570,000 to my uncle should be peanuts cause he is so damm rich, house cost 2million plus, and a boss of some big company.
What will i do with 570,000? Donate $1 to charity, $1 to swa and the rest go buy weiqi board and books, muhahahahaah...
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Insurance agent are scary. That lady call me the other day then intro the saving plan policy to me again and insist on meeting up to say the detail. She totally give me no chance to reject her. Said wed night u free? no? how about thrus? busy too? ok fri can le right? so 7pm in bukit batok mac, see u then... doo..dooo she hang up. I was like wah!!!! So i use my last super weapon...i sms her saying that my parents bought the plan for me le. haha, i bet she is cursing and tearing up my personal particular.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Seriously she can really tolerate my dad cause my dad is 1 very unreasonable guy. She told me 3 of her worker order a soup and egg to share for dinner and it cause around $11. Then my dad suddenly hot tempered say they can really eat and so ex.(woker meal is provided by my parents) But they only eat once a week and 3 ppl share $11 food is very cheap already...but still my dad like mad ppl keep grumbling and not happy. Then one of the worker who is quite old ask my dad if he wans to join in then he shout no loudly at her... Then my mum keep saying dunno y she marry him...
Today is the first weiqi lesson for year 1 and the respond was not bad. Went to bishan at night for lesson and played with cs and by the end of review it was around 10pm so no choice i got to take cab home. The cab driver is one interesting guy, once he know i play weiqi he keep asking me how weiqi is play cause he wan to learn but dunno where can learn. Then suddenly say till mao zhe dong, korea, japan then say about korea war, japan war, USA helping south korea, china helping north korea... getting a feeling he was recapping on my social studies.
Then he say among all the customers, korean are the most noisy cause the way they tok like wan to fight and they very stingy. Japanese and british ppl are quite generous... the funny thing is that he say vietnamese talk like 2 DOGS BARKING. haha...i cant stop laughing at the way he describe them. he told me he was taekwondo 3dan, bla bla bla.... was nice talking to him beside the war theory.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Go www.crunchyroll.com to watch infernal affairs. Is one of the best chinese films. MUST WATCH!!!
Was eating in canteen last week then this gal was giving out the nyp newsletter. OMG, is like so waste money lar!!! first, is all colored printed (imagine the cost) and they give to all of us and u know after seeing these newsletter and realise our face is not feature in it we will sure dump it away!!! Great... there goes the money........ And imagine the amount of trees chop due to these newsletter!!! Poor mother earth....
Anyway was browsing through the newsletter and i saw this pic...
This pic of her is 80% funny. If u wan to see the 100% funny one u should see her in the poster at the main entrance of NYP. You know the main entrance at block N there? got alot of poster showing the different sch like SIT, SEG so on... and her pic is like MUHAAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..SUPER DUPER FUNNY!!!!!
ok....enough for today....laugh too much later cant sleep.