Friday, August 03, 2012

Almost all my friends know that I am a person who prefers hot weather to cold weather and I think I can endure heat very well (so proud of this ability). BUT this summer in Korea proves me wrong! The weather in Korea now is damm f******* hot. I am so sorry but besides the F word I cant think of a better english word to describe the weather. Is 35°C today and our dear weather forecast happily tells me that is 36°C tomorrow. YEA!! so excited! I am so surprise no one die from heat stroke yet.

Going back home these days is a nightmare to me. When I open my door I can feel the hot air in my room gushing into my face and I am so proud that the 2 fans in my room are blowing out hot air. Due to the position of my air-con and the condition of it, it is quite difficult to on it. It is so f****** hot that for the first time in Korea, I started bathing in cold water. This is a really big breakthrough for me because even with the hot weather, the cold water here is ice cold!! I cant imagine who can stand like a normal person when the water touches your skin. So every night when I bath, is like me going to some dancing class. I think my mum whose life motto is "i will never bath in hot water" will be so proud of me.

I will be going on a tour with some Korean friends next week for 5 days. Is quite ironic because the "tour" is not outside of Korea but in Korea and my friends are so excited about it. I guess this is the best part of a big country, you will never be able to go to every part of it so to them it is considered traveling. Imagine me asking my Singapore friends "hey lets go traveling around Singapore for 3 days", I think he will give me the stare and say "not funny loh"

Finally!!! There is Gong Cha in Korea!! If I remember correctly we are not able to choose the ice level in Singapore but we can do it in Korea. The menu is a bit different from Singapore's and they have this white pearl which is harder than the normal black one. And the Gong Cha here is like a cafe which has 2 level and people can sit in to chat and stuff. Of course it is difficult to have it in Singapore because when you want to look for a seat, you will feel like you just entered a library with people studying everywhere.


  1. Xing Wei12:37 AM

    Yes, I will stare at you!

  2. Why the ticket got a heart shape one, lol
