Friday, March 02, 2012


Went to Itaewon toady because I heard from many korean friends that the place is fun. Hmmm..I can only say that maybe I was in the wrong place, haha. There are just too many foreigners especially from the middle east countries and the shops there are disappointing compared to hongdae, myeongdong, dongdaemun etc..

Seriously I almost thought that I am in Turkey because this kind of shops are everywhere there. Is not just 1 or 2 or 3 but EVERYWHERE.. I guess koreans love this.

Whenever I see muslims in Korea I wonder how are they get hala food because is like pork and non hala food everywhere in Korea. Then I realize Itaewon is the place for them because I saw a lot of hala food store and muslims here.

I was really surprise to see TACO BELL because is like a extinct food in Singapore.Wait a min.. the food in taco bell is similar to the turkish kebab right??

If there is 1 good thing about my trip to Itaewon, it would be this cafe. I have been looking for this cafe and is not easy to find one. And just before I was about to leave Itaewon, i saw ZOO CAFE!!

I really like the concept of this cafe and the logo is nice. I even bought their mug, hahaha. If I have money in future I will want to franchise this cafe in Singapore!!

Dinner in this shop call noodle box. I think koreans eating in this restaurant will kill themselves if they know the mee goreng cost less then 2000won in Singapore, hahaha.

They even have nasi goreng!! I find it so amusing when the korean owener shout out mee goreng and nasi goreng so naturally. It makes them so non korean hahaha

What really attracted me to this shop is not the food on the menu but this box. I can say that this is the most non-environmental friendly korean shop I have ever been too. They even provide transparent carrier like those for gifts when people are having their food take away. Of course non environmental friendly is also not the main factor that attracted me to their shop but this...

I have always seen this in US dramas where the chinese food shop in US provide this when they buy take-away food and I want to know so much how it feels to eat in this box, hahaha. Aren't u curious??? well is quite fun to eat with this box. Damm...I should ask for a clean one as souvenir..

I was having email exchange with my sis and I suddenly wonder, would there be any difference in my life if I have a elder sibling. Because in some scenario, the younger sibling can ask opinion or advice from the older one but if you are the oldest one who can u go to?


  1. ZOO CAFE!!!!!! And you can ask my opinion/advice, even though I'm much younger, less serious and less matured compared to you but I'm always here! Always here when you need someone to talk to or whatever! Age is never the problem. In fact sometimes you can even learn things you never knew from people younger than you!

    But nevertheless I think you really made a huge impact on my life. Positive one la, of course.

    1. I learnt that I should not bring my wallet out when I am with you, muhahahaha!! Just kidding.

  2. I've been Itaewon twice,daytime which is disappointing. I heard Itaewon gets crazy at night. Even some people said it is scary at night. You want to go there at night sometime when I go back? haha
    When it comes to the box, I thought exactly same as you. I was so curious how it would feel like the food in the box. That was one thing I really wanted to do while I watched my favorite American TV series.
    And about advice, I usually talk to my mom or my teachers when I need advice. But you can definitely get opinion/advice from your younger sibiling. I learn some things from my younger sister. :)

    1. Sure! Hahaha, I am so glad i am not the only one who thinks this way when it comes to the box. We should go this shop for a meal when you are back!

  3. Awesome brother is awesome. Btw, where you find 2000won mee goreng? In singapore cost at least 3.50 leh~

    1. My house downstairs coffee shop still sell $2 mee goreng. hahaha
