Thursday, September 13, 2012

Autumn is here!! This is the period where people start wearing long sleeves or hoodie to school. Few more weeks and my nightmare winter will be here :( Less than 4 months and I will leave Korea, I didnt expect 2 years to be so fast, much faster than NS. Really want to thank my parents for trusting me and letting me choose my own path.

Attended 3hours of Prof. Nam's lecture today. Seriously how on earth did she manage to talk non stop for so long? It must be a gift! During the lecture I saw a few people sleeping and I wonder how i will feel or what i will do if i am the one lecturing. Splash water on them? hahaha. I am even more amazed of myself being able to focus throughout the lecture even though I dont understand most of the content. *clap clap*

The teacher teaching baduk chinese class is the best chinese speaking korean I have seen so far in my 1 and a half years in korea. I am really impress.I am actually glad that I have to translate chinese to korean for my exams because this will really make me learn something.


  1. Is the lecture like in a lecture theatre?

    So you decided to come back to Sg instead of staying longer in Korea?

    1. Must smaller cause the limit for every class is 30 students.

      Yup, time to go back to reality haha.

  2. Muahahahahaha my mathematics teacher did splash water on me......

    1. hahaha, r u serious?? Your teacher is so cool! (n brave)

  3. Study hard sia. We are all waiting for your grand arrival!
