Monday, May 16, 2011

Today's class was special because the teacher decided to have the lesson outdoor. I am not very sure what is the name of this class, I think is Baduk and Games or something.

So each group is given some papers and we need to construct the game that most korea children play.

-___-" <--- this was my expression when I saw how the game was supposed to be played. You are suppose to fold paper into a square shape and slam another square shape paper on the floor and make sure it flip over. Why would children enjoy this game? Ok, actually children enjoy everything...

This is one picture I want to take. This is really korean style of casual foot wear. I was so shocked when I see people in this attire even in seoul!! The slipper in this pic is the nicest I have seen, the most common one is those kind where we wear in toilet and they actually wear in on the street!!!! If I wear like this in Singapore, I am sure I will appear in STOMP.

zoom in....................

Dinner... I cant believe I ate the same kind of junk food for 2 days (even same shop!!). One thing I dont understand is that korean eat pizza with pickles..

Besides pizza, we had chicken too. This is one of my favorite flavor in korea. I shall not be eating these stuff for a while...

Went SPAO to help xing wei get stuff and the payment part is really frustrating. I asked "do you accept visa" and the lady keep pointing to a sign and explain about the discount. OMG... and the worst part is she got angry because I dont understand.... bad customer service...

Anyway while I was waiting for my bus to go back home from Myeondong, an old granny (my grandma age) approach me and ask me for direction. So i told her in korean that I dont understand korean (my most fluent korean cause i use it all the time) then she ask where am I from (i also understand this because most people ask me this question). After telling her i am from Singapore she smile and walk away, then I said sorry in korean to her. The shocking thing is she stop, look back and say NO PROBLEM (in english), muhahahaha... i almost faint...

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