Saturday, October 06, 2012

If there is K-pop group that I like, I think it would be FT-Island. Even though I have no idea how many members are there in the group and I dont even know their names, I really like their songs. The first song in my playlist now is a song from their latest album and I like the chorus part a lot.

Talked to long sheng past few days on fb and it brings back so much NS memories. I think I am quite fortunate to be posted to that particular unit because I learnt a lot from my boss and met many good friends. I can never forget how we can end up arguing regarding the air-con temperature because a group of us (mainly me) thinks that the air con temperature should be at 24 (which is already very cold) while another group wants it to be at 18 as they have this fantasy of making our office into Genting Highland. Miss the days where we stay in to play games, having night run around the camp, having our swimming and tanning session during lunch break, talking cock with ST staff etc.

 Many people may envy me because my vocation was admin so to them it means I could slack in air-con office all day long. But the fact is everyday I either see how "dirty" office politics is or I have to face office politics myself and this really enlightened me that EQ is so important in the working world and how fake the working world can be. The sad story is that school never teach us this thing call EQ and we can only learn it through observation and experience.

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